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天工AI Pro是基于天工GPT智能体(Agent)构建的对话工具,可根据用户的提示(prompts)给出回答(completions)。
天工AI Pro具有以下两点特性:
- 智能体会根据用户提示选择合适的工具进行信息获取和处理
- 具有GPT对话外的其他功能,如基于上传文件进行对话
本文是对天工AI Pro基础功能的说明,实际用法和反馈可能会因天工AI Pro的具体功能和更新而有所不同。
更多详细信息请参考官方网站或联系天工AI Pro支持团队。
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天工AI Pro目前已集成的Agent工具如下:
- 天工专业信息库:包含60万+文献信息、超过200亿英文单词的环境、生态、可持续领域专业知识库
- 互联网搜索:在互联网上搜索最新信息
- arXiv文献搜索:在arXiv.org上搜索学术论文和文献
- 维基百科信息查询:搜索维基百科上信息
- 数值计算:基于Python REPL实现数值计算
天工AI Pro基于Agent工作,Agent作为您授权去解决问题的“代理”,当它认为您提供的功能得到的结果并不令它满意时,它可能会选择与您预期不同的功能去解决问题。
天工AI Pro提供除直接对话外的其他辅助功能,以扩展应用场景、提升用户体验。
- Upload Documents:支持文件上传并基于上传文件进行对话。
- 文件大小不超过200MB
- 可提供一个或多个文件
- 若提供多个文件,会同时处理所有文件
- Text to Audio:将回答转化为音频输出。
- Chat Memory:不勾选时,每个问答相互独立,具有最佳性能(token可以完整利用);勾选后,此次对话历史的信息将作为背景支持后续内容输出,由于占用部分token,性能将受到一些局限。
- Upload Documents:支持文件上传并基于上传文件进行对话。
Action: search_wiki
The question is asking for a definition of "blast furnace slag" and its composition in Chinese. I will first search for the definition and composition of "blast furnace slag" in English, then translate it into Chinese. I will use the internet and Wikipedia for the most accurate and up-to-date information. -
Action: Python_REP
The Wikipedia search provided a lot of information about blast furnace slag. It is a by-product of smelting ores and recycled metals, mainly a mixture of metal oxides and silicon dioxide. The main components of blast furnace slag are CaO (30-50%), SiO2 (28-38%), Al2O3 (8-24%), and MgO (1-18%). Now I will translate this information into Chinese. -
Action: search_internet
It seems that the Python environment does not have the 'googletrans' module installed. I will try to use another method to translate the information into Chinese. I will use the internet to search for the definition and composition of "blast furnace slag" in Chinese.

- Action: search_arxiv
The question is asking for opinions on the relationship between working from home and climate change on arxiv. I will search arxiv for papers discussing this topic.

Action: search_internet
I will first search the internet to find a general understanding of the topic. -
Action: search_vector_database
The search results provide some insights into what environmental economic geography includes. It seems to involve the study of the environmental effects of economic activities at different geographical scales, the impact of environmental regulation and pollution on the spatial organization of economic activities, and the influence of economic transition systems on the environmental effects of urban and regional economic development. There are also studies on the asymmetry of air pollution in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the impact of air pollution on labor return, and the heterogeneity of geographical environmental factors along the MSR line. I will now search the academic databaseto find more detailed and academic information.

Action: search_internet
The question is asking for the total carbon emissions from the production of cement, given the carbon emission factors for coal and electricity and their respective quantities used. The carbon emission factor for coal is 1.5 and for electricity is 0.5. The quantities used are 500t for coal and 100kwh for electricity. To answer this question, I need to multiply the emission factor by the quantity for each source and then add the two results together. This is a simple calculation and does not require any external sources. However, I will search the internet to confirm the emission factors given in the question. -
Action: search_internet
The search results confirm that the carbon emission factor for coal can vary depending on the type of coal, but they do not provide a specific value that matches the one given in the question. I will now search for the carbon emission factor for electricity. -
Action: Python_REPL
The search results confirm that the carbon emission factor for electricity can vary, but they do not provide a specific value that matches the one given in the question. Now, I will perform the calculation to find the total carbon emissions.